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Telling Your Product's Story with Brian Hennessy of Talkoot


We have a tendency to focus on visual content on this podcast but that isn’t the only content you need to be able to sell your products online. Copywriting is another critical element to a telling your products story, and just like photography, it’s a process that needs to be managed, with controls and guardrails in place to make sure you’re saying the right things to the right people in the right places. Joining Daniel for this episode is Brian Hennessy, co-founder and CEO at Talkoot, an AI powered copywriting platform with elements of PIM systems and a lot of cool features to make sure you’re not just telling a story, but telling the right story.

Key Takeaways

Talkoot is more than simply a place to store product data, but that is part of it. In order to manage all the written content requirements for your brand, you need to know that you are working with a single source of truth.
Customer segmentation is great, and there is room for a lot of nuance. Sometimes the segment is who the customers are, and sometimes it's where they shop.
The need to change, update, or evolve how you talk to your customer with copy isn't limited to commodity e-commerce, many brands in other spaces have found value in Talkoot in order to seasonally change their copy.
AI is already playing a significant role in copywriting for e-commerce. Talkoot includes useful AI tools and was an early adherent to AI copywriting. Using consumer facing tools cannot truly be scaled for enterprise orgs, you cannot train that AI to speak in YOUR brand voice.
AI is a powerful tool for copywriting but absolutely requires some curation and controls.

About the host